FeltLOOM® Lexi Workshop
Jan 22, 11am – 4pm
Instructor: Jmy James Kidd
Fees: $125
Create new felted textiles out of your old fabrics with Jmy James Kidd!
This workshop will focus on the FeltLOOM® Lexi which is a 200 needle dry felting process machine in which the fibers are felted (interlocked) together through repetitive needle strokes and punctures. Nearly any fiber synthetic, natural or hybrid fabrics including old sweaters, towels, shirts, socks, scarfs as well as raw and processed furs, wools, hairs (human or animal) and even plant fibers (such as milkweed silk) can be used to create entirely new textiles for a variety of uses such as blankets, pillows, rugs, insulation, visual art pieces, and clothing. The technique is simple, fun and expressive.
Go through your closets and storage and gather no-longer-wanted fabric materials to work with. Material suggestions include synthetic, natural or hybrid fabrics including old sweaters, towels, shirts, socks, scarfs as well as raw and processed fur, wool, hair and plant fibers. Please note that this is not a mending process, fabrics will be cut up and “collaged” into an entirely new textile work.
Last day to withdraw for a full refund: Jan 8, 2022